

Ah picture day; the one day out of the entire school year when you forgot to do your hair.

Such was the case for me. Anyway, as the custom goes they called us to our yearbook doom over the intercom and my chatty class--all little of us--trudged down to the activity room. I waited in line, staring at the trophies, until out of nowhere it became my turn.

When the photographer asked me how I was doing I looked at him eye to eye and let him know, "I'm doing awesome, thanks!"

His response was a mix between a 'ch-teenagers' scowl and a 'I can't wait until my lunch break' frown. So, deciding I'd made my point, I proceeded to plop my apparenly-overly-optomistic self on the tiny black stool.

"What's your name?" he asks.

I answered (using my inside voice this time) and chickened out on making a goofy expression by simply painting what I hoped was a decent smile on my face.

"Ah, you're the boy chaser aye?"

I knew he'd just said that to the last girl he took a picture of but I couldn't help but chortle ;) at his perception--or lack there of.

Oh yes, them boys don't stand a chance against my nerdy report cards and skills for tripping over my own feet. And I'm sure my jeans and t-shirt just hold them captivated, not to mention the fact that I borrow my little brother's gym shorts.

Yeah, that photographer basically made my day. I should've snuck him a tip or something.

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