
Weird Words

You know those words you come across every once in awhile that you can't help but smile at? I just thought I'd see how many I could come up with. So if you have absolutely nothing to do...

Fork, swimtrunks, ear, wig, earwig, onomonopeia (did I spell that right?), sneeze, fifferfefferfeff (I luv Dr. Suess!), soap rope (what is that anyways?), xylophone, zigzag, flipper, flapjack, frankfurter, longjohns, bergade, hobabaloo, whatcha-ma-callits, smorgsabord (Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs), stick, weasel, smack, pop, bubble, edumacation, hippo, hippopotomonstrosesquipedialiophobia (the fear of long words; go figure), banana, jell-o, noodle, yodel, mustache, aglet, snorkel, sniff, yak, yam, chortle, rendezvous, plop, honk, teeder-todder, toe, quail, synonym (not cinnamon), doodle, hoodlum, snickerdoodle, goofy, googlezillion, igloo, pomagranate, pimple, sasperilla, loogie, stud-muffin, angry-mob, cram, fudgecicle, pupil, beard, yawn, tu-tu, riboflavin, leggings, snazzy....

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