
"Arm"ing Myself with Ammon-Like Attitude

This week my scripture studying landed on the Book of Mormon story Ammon. I remember when I reached it the whole storyline ran through my mind. I must've read or heard this story at least a hundred times but it was a good story so I figured I'd just keep going. Little did I know just how much this 101th time would help.

I've always been impressed with Ammon's attitude. Like Joseph in the Bible, he sticks to what he knows and puts a positive spin on things that could so easily be otherwise. He's also amazingly honest and trustworthy. Right after he slew a bunch of enemies that were threatening the king's flocks, he didn't go brag, he went off to feed and brush the king's horses like they'd been ordered to.

And like Joseph, he end up effecting an entire nation. Because of his faith and testimony, he is able to convert just about everyone in the land where he serves.

Now take a look at Ammon a few years ago and this is what really impresses me. Before, he was a bit of a menace. Him, his brothers, and they're friends basically went around causing havoc. They indulged themselves and flattered others into doing the same thing. They did some damage to the church that sent they're parents praying like mad until their hearts were changed.

I think it just goes to show a little bit of the Lord's great power. Look what He can make out of a willing heart and working hands. I think we each have more potential than we sometimes realize. But God sees it. And if we turn our lives--our time, our hearts, our trust--to Him, he can help us accomplish more than we ever could alone. Before this Ammon had the potential of becoming a king himself, but he felt he was needed elsewhere. And had he gone with what logically made sense at the time, look at what he would've been missing out on! It seems that this mission proves to be a great source of joy for him throughout the rest of his life. And I'm sure it was. Much more full than what he could've created for himself.

I realized this morning, when I finished that story, that I've been doing it the wrong way. Sure I fullfill my calling, help out around the house, and keep the standards. But I think I lost the heart of it because it seems like its been awhile since I felt that deep joy that normally comes from doing those things regularly. I was only doing it because it was an obligation. That's what was expected of me. Or, as John Bytheway cleverly put it, "I'm the postman. I do what I'm post to."

But this showed me otherwise. Had Ammon showed up with that sort of attitude, he wouldn't have gotten far. It was his willingness and love that impressed the king and allowed the Lord  to help him win the hearts of those people over. That's where his great joy came from.

At that point a scripture came to mind. Doctrine and Covenants 58: 26-28, "For Behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he recieveth no reward. Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause and do many things of their own free will and bring to pass much righteousness; For the power is in them, wherein they are agent unto themselves. And insasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward." (Thank you Seminary teachers!)

It made so much sense! Of course I hadn't felt that satisfaction that Ammon had felt. What fun was doing something I was compelled to do? Those who are greatly honored have never done something because they had to. The reward came because they went beyond that.

No, I needed to put my heart in it. That's where the joy came from because joy comes from accomplishing something you put real effort into. And when your on the Lord's errand, you can't help but succeed.

And those of you in my ward have already heard me get up and bear my testimony about the same stuff so I apologize. But this has really been a breakthrough for me this week. A "duh" moment, but a breakthrough nonetheless. Which is strange because I know that I already knew that lesson. I'd learned it at church and youth conferences. But i guess applying it is a whole different ball game.

So here's to a new week of scheduling Seminary meetings and driving a plastic car through the entire LIFE board game with my baby brother. A week of studying my scriptures and doing my homework. Why? Because I want to. Because I owe it to Him, because I know what it will do for me, and because I know that I "shall in nowise" lose my reward.

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