
Not Hiding Talents

Today I was reminded of an awesome set of movies that inspired me to share a few clips. Some of you have probably seen a few of them. They're called Liken The Scriptures and they basically do as their name suggests. That is, likening scriptures to their modern viewers and showing lessons easily applied to our lives now.

And they add a touch of music and humor...

This one comes from a story in 1 Nephi in the Book of Mormon. Though I'm sure ancient Isrealites didn't rap...

I love the exaggeration in this one about Esther, though it wouldn't let me post the actual movie. So here's the link.

Anyway, I tried to find the Ammon one where he whips out an ancient-american missionary handbook, but youtube only carries so much.

Even though some of the scenes in these movies are off-the-cob-corny, I love how the people who make them use their talents to help others. Make them laugh. Build them up. Make them think. I learned in Seminary this week about creating. How we are children of the most creative being ever and how the Lord blessed us with talents--in all areas, not just artistically--to create. To beautify. To make more of what we have whether it be a blank page, a messy room, a contentious mood, or a sad face.

Or, I guess in these people's case, a plethora of ideas and funds. As Dieter F. Uchtdorf put it, "You might say, 'I'm not the creative type'. If that's what you think, think again."

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