

Okay so I realize I haven't done a just-for-fun post in awhile. So this one's just going to be a plethora of things I thought were funny that I haven't already posted on facebook. :)

First off, my baby brother. Oh, my baby brother. A ball of energy that already comes up to my hips in height and towers over me in videogame skills. He's the only person I know who can live on a diet of juice and cheetos and run laps around the house, asking us to time him. He's the only kid I know who likes pepporoni and yogurt (yes, together) and flies walking on him, as he recently told me. And sadly, he's more popular in my highschool than I am. So here are a few of his quotes,

When looking at a display of plastic fingernails, "Look at these sunflower seeds!!"
When our neighbor's kid, two years younger than him, came over, "Ugh, little kids don't know anything do they Lee?"
His version of namecalling: " peice of paper!!"
Reffering to my other little brother who's now 14, "Gus, you're my bestest brother." (can I que an "Awwww"?)
"No, Gus, I dont (pronounced dawnt) do that a'cuz, a'cuz, a'cuz it makes me all jacked up!"
Reffering to Gus' deoderant and my cousin, Steven, who's in college, "Gus, spray that on me! I want to smell like Steben."

And my other little brother. Not only do we not look alike,

When I'm sprawled out on the couch with the Fresh Beat Band on, "You're seriously watching that?" 
When I'm happily pounding away on the piano before school, "C'mon, we're going to be late."
When I'm giggling away at some driving mistake I made, "Oh my gosh, we're going to die! I can't believe you did that. You won't be laughing when we wreck."
When I parked the car wrong, reversed, parked it wrong again, reversed, park--"Alright, I'm getting out."

And you all thought he never talked :)

I love that kid soooo much! He's amazing! A lot of times I wish I had his level-headedness, his contagious laugh, his sensible outlooks on life, his observance, his logic, his arguing skills, his subtle sense of humor...

And then, of course, I get distracted by a butterfly or something.

Lastly, this:  I wanted to post the actual video but I couldn't get it to show the whole screen. So, though its not as pretty, click on the link. Click on it. You know you want to...

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