
Happy Mother's Day!!

For very obvious reasons, today is going to be a tribute to my mom. Lately, somewhere between mood-swings, homework, practice, and my ADHD worthy thoughts (I still don't know how I got from icecream to the legend of zelda to piano all in the same thirty seconds) I see glances of why an all-knowing Heavenly Father sent me down the remarkable woman I call my mother. I'd like to quote Abraham Lincoln, "All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother."

So here's a few reasons I have to be grateful:

1. For sacrificing any/all interests, sleep, and steady emotions to bring me into this world.

2. Not labeling me utterly useless when I would cry myself into unconciousness as an infant (not kidding).

3. "Hey Mom."
"Hey Mom."
"Hey Mom"
4. For putting up with my early-years' diet of bread, water, and doritos.

5. For every potty-break on every long road trip. (Sticks included ;)

6. For having light-blonde, curly hair that's really easy to spot in a big, scary crowd after an elementry performance.

7. For patiently enduring my random health-kick in Junior High.

8. For teaching me how to be a lady and do more than run my dirty fingers through my hair and run out the door.

9. For loving Dad.

10. For featuring this on your blog (haha revenge!)

11. For being that person who, as soon as you showed up to take me home, all the tears started over again.

12. For resorting to only rolling your eyes when I worry over every thing.

13. For allowing my creativity to blossom and encouraging it.

14. For not letting me quit piano and sending me in early to more fully learn math.

15. For the much-needed hugs

16. For teaching me not only how to work, but how to stand back, wipe the sweat off your forehead with your hat, and mutter, "Now would you look at that."

17. For pretending not to hear me when I bust out my favorite song in front of the mirror in the morning and then suddenly realize you're standing right there.

18. For wiping all the tears, even the pointless ones.

19. For all the band-aids, both outside and inside.

20. For just holding me after I come home from College-Algebra in tears, cursing formulas and all who understand them.

21. For redoing my room (and leaving plenty of space to dance :)

22. For gently leading me to the right.

23. For teaching life's neccesites: how to walk, tie my shoes, make a sandwhich, go to church, serve, and pray.

24. For always seeing my potential when I most certainly don't.

25. For all the prom dresses and girl's-day-outs

26. For such a pretty yard and house.

27. For having time to just talk

28. For the grey-hairs gained in helping me learn how to drive.

29. For teaching me to not buy anything unless I really, really want it (which is probably why, when on a birthday-shopping-spree to Wal-Mart, I left with nothing but a pack of gum.)

30. For helping me gain a love for history, sunsets, America, cleanliness, simplicity, Saver's, dark chocolate, Wendy's milkshakes, and Elvis.

31. For doing so much for your family as well as ours and preping ahead of time to be the best Mom you could be.

32. For reminding me that my Savior loves me through it all because, well, so do you...


Cat said...

Thank you so much Doll...not sure I deserve all that, but I thank you & I love you so much.

Lolly Jane said...

Oh Annelie that made me cry! You are so sweet. I hope one day to have a daughter and become the mother yours is. xoxoxo
