
Smiles, Quirks, and Gummy Bears

Usually the second-to-last week of school drags for me. But not this year! I'm not sure why, but some of life's amusing little quirks seemed to keep coming up, making it go by so much quicker.

1. Creating a parade with a silly marching song on my iPod. My baby brother led, duster-baton in hand, and our dog Trance held up the rear.

2. Finding a less-popular friend of mine in the hallway and chucking a bag of gummybears at him since it was his birthday.

3. Getting my jeans all wet and muddy by splashing through the irrigation ditch--just in time for another friend to come over and see me in such a make-up muddled mess.

4. Showing up to an 8:30 school dance fashionably late. (8:36).

5. Getting thrown across the room twice during the Hokey Pokey during that dance.

6. Watching Little Rascals for the first time ever! (May I just say, L. O. L!!)

7. Helping my friend write three fake Dear John letters, one based around the metaphor of a burrito...long story.

8. Discovering a new way to do my hair.

9. The ultimate cherry on top of it all: A morning side and stake conference.

This is going to sound really weird, but after that morning side I was what my friends called 'hyper'. Not kidding. I was bouncing in my seat, giggling at everything, and just in love with the whole world. But I do have an explanation. 
We had a general authority speak at it, Elder Samuelson. And before then, despite all those wonderful things, all the lies of the world had somehow seeped into my head and again I was feeling a little down on myself. Again. My mood was grumpy and my thoughts were grumpy. But I forced a smile, having a feeling that all my seemingly-unanswered prayers and questions would be answered there.
And so they were. He spoke on reaching our potential and I wish I could copy and paste the entire thing to show you all but I'll just say that all my doubts were cleared, my purpose was renewed, and I even gained some counsel to keep it that way. In short, I felt great! All smiles, I thanked this amazing man when it was over and then basically skipped my way towards my friends. I know it sounds silly, but, in my mind, it was awesome! Where else can you walk into a room, having been down and out for quite some time, and then an hour later walk out acting like you've never had a problem in your life?

Maybe its because, compared to others, I really haven't. Or maybe its just because, like many a blind man in the scriptures, He had opened my eyes to new and clear things and I felt to go away rejoicing. Maybe both. I don't know, I guess I'm just grateful for smiles, and quirks, and gummy bears.

1 comment:

Linda Miller said...

Dear Analee.
You are such a great woman and your writting is so inspiring. I loved that you came right home and wrote while everything was still sweet and full in your heart and mind.
I expect to see great things written by you in your life.
Love Linda Miller