
The Warmth of the Fireside

Sorry. I have been slacking...I think...I'm a little too tired to remember. Perhaps the better word is busy.

Either way, I had the most refreshing weekend! It started off with a youth temple trip which, I think, is pretty self-explanatory. I then 'worked' concession stands at the basketball game for my class, and, while pouring nacho cheese on a tray of month old chips, got asked on a date. So I rushed home to wash out the smell of hotdogs and it was off to the bowling alley!

We had a really fun group and my stomach began to hurt from laughing by the time we got there. After me and my date got 2nd place (we would've gotten first if it wasn't for me :), we grabbed a MceeD's icecream and headed for the Stake Dance! I HEART dances so enough said.

But the best part of my weekend happened the next day. First off, it was one of those Sundays where every lesson, talk, hymn, and prayer answers a question you've had and you (well, at least I) walk out a big, fat smile with legs. What only added to it was the fact that it was one of my friend's (and sunday school teacher's) mission farewells. At the age of 19 he was off to South America serve the Lord for two whole years and, I assumed, the rest of his life. I attended his ordination and, well, let's just say it was too amazing for a mediocre blogger's words. I'm so proud of that kid!

Heheh, wow. I haven't even got to my point yet. Like I said, I've been busy.

After that there was a youth fireside (or a devotional for us crazy teenagers who need it). And guess who the speakers were? My peers. Yep. One of the guys that was in the group on my date was one of them and was scared to death. Another was our senor class' president, or a girl that I really looked up to. The third was a girl I had seen at girls' camp last summer, and the fourth I had seen at the dance.

It was soo cool!!! The guy in my group date ended up doing great, I loved and admired the class president even more, learned a whole new depth the girl I had only seen at girls' camp, and even watched the young man I had seen at the dance, through tears, give a sincere testimony of his Savior and his deep desire to serve him. ...and though his voice was gentle and occasionally broken as he tried to gather his emotions, it couldn't have been any more firm.

My mom once said that she thought the Lord liked to bring us youth together so that we could strengthen each other...Never have I seen that so true until last night.

And then our stake president got up to talk. He humbly began by saying he couldn't have put anything better than my peers had. But I was still glad he continued his remarks because the more he spoke, the stronger the spirit was. The entire chapel remained silent, as if afraid to interrupt it.

It was then that I suddenly got this vision type thing in my head. We were soldiers. The world was a battlefield. And the gentle, good-humored man at the pulpit was our trainer, preparing us for the dangers we would face out there; his instructions straight from the commander-in-chief who knew just what strategems would, in the end, ensure that we came off conquerer.

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