

I didn't exactly start out this year in a typical way. I did stay up until midnight playing games, but then I went and watched some corny Barbie video until two a.m.--and didn't even get drowsy. I was into it! I wanted to slap that creepy bad guy with the unrealistic orange eyes and bring the prince to the princess so that they could live happily ever after! Then, and only then, would my life be complete! (and no, my 17th birthday is not next month!)

And then I slept in. And then I somehow found myself on my way to the mall with my family to go shopping for my brother's birthday. I ordered lobster nachos at Red Lobster only without the lobster (I know, I know. My dad already teased me enough) and ate so many that my stomach hurt the rest of day.
I don't think I set any resolutions until last night.

See I don't have the problem of never accomplishing the goals I set because, well, I always lose the paper that I wrote them on so I can't go back and check anyways. I certainly hope none of them were to be organized.

But either way, I love New Years! You get a clean slate of mistakes and a full plate of adventure! And you're even armed with all the lessons you learned from the years prior. You get to start new and exciting projects, improve yourself (like losing weight--as soon as the leftovers are gone), and try new things. No wonder its celebrated!

As you can tell, I couldn't think of anything to post today. I don't have any amazing stories to go with this holiday or anything. But, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask for help on one of my resolutions. It's to finish writing and editing this story I have been going back and forth to for a couple years. I'm almost done with it but I'd like a few people to read even a few chapters and point out the dull sides I can polish. It's But if you don't want to that's fine too. I've got an amaaazing English teacher, some parents, and a couple of friends who love me just the same :)

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