
Crossing the Street

I love when I get little insights at random! It just sort of adds a little bit of a bounce to my step and a twinkle to my eye. I expound upon it and expound upon it until I feel like if I don't blabber on about it to someone I'm gonna ex-pound myself to a pulp.

Thus the blog. Thus you. Again, thanks! :)

So today I was eating some leftover pizza when my baby brother up and decided he wanted to visit my grandma across the street. My Mom decided he'd had enough practice of looking both ways to go on his own. But, of course, she stood in the doorway and watched him.
"Are you watching?" he cried out across the front yard. I snickered at how obvious the answer was but she patiently, with a smile, answered, "Yes. I'm watching."
And then I began to chew that sausage and cheese thoughtfully as I realized just how true the whole thing is! In a bigger picture of course.

I'll bet we were up there just waiting to begin our adventure in this intriguing world called Earth which, from up there, probably just seemed across the street. So, when it was our time, our Heavenly Father decided that, though we were pretty young and inexperienced, He'd taught us all He could. It was up to us to act.

And so we we were off! I'll bet He watched us leave our lovely home, both proud of our courage yet a little worried about our carelessness, telling us to return safely.

From down here that home of ours doesn't always seem to be across the street. It's now across the galaxy. And to some people its so far away that they claim it doesn't even exist. And though some of us haven't even gotten out of the front yard yet, we've all had those frightening moments. I'm sure we've all doubted our abilities at successfully completing this task. So we tentatively ask, "Are you watching?"

And He patiently, lovingly replies, "Yes. I'm watching."

And yet we still forget. We think we can see more than Him. Afterall, we're down here. He's up there. He doesn't know how we feel! He can't see the big picture!
But oh how wrong that is... On the contrary, the entire road is visible from his spot and he can see even the most distant cars coming our way--as well as their speed. I'm sure if my brother hadn't seen a car coming my mom would've yelled out at him to stop, if not ran out after him.
Let us listen to our Heavenly Father. He knows. He warns. He may even, in the form of a stranger, friend, or family member run out to save us.
And the concequences of not listening can be just as deadly.


Cat said...

Very Nice Doll...I love that you can see symbolism in just about everything.

Dolly said...

Thanks mom :)