
Wind Speeds and You

A quote I heard today from a very wise (and hilarious) man named Deiter F. Uchtdorf said, "Its amazing what you can learn about life from nature." And I whole-heartedly agree!!

Like today, for example, I was riding my bike (against our small town's notorious wind) when I noticed a bird flying overhead. I love watching birds. If I didn't get so stir-crazy so easily I could probably be a pretty good bird watcher, but that's besides the point.

Anyways, I didn't just see the bird, I noticed what it was doing; flying with the wind. How smart, I noted, pushing my pedals even harder and ducking my head to get another foot or two. Obviously going against it wasn't working so well. Which got me thinking...

We have winds, if you will, or trials that come our way and we have two choices. Either we can fight and curse and spit and avenge and wrestle our way against them wondering why it had to blow our direction and how much we didn't deserve it OR we can accept it, spread our wings, and try our best. Afterall, its these winds that can carry us faster across the sky than we ever could in the first place. These trials, if handled the right way, can stretch us and build us into better...birds per say, and we can fly our skies at a better rate than we could before.

So, in closing, as another amazingly wise man, Joseph B. Wirthlin, said, "Come what may and love it!"


Kristi @ Lolly Jane said...

So profound, Doll.
Thanks for the insight from an amazing 17 yr. old :)


Miss Deidra said...

Two and a half thumbs up!

Dolly said...

Thanks Aunt Kristi! And u know I already owe u a trillion Deid! But I'd have to say, two and a half is easier said than done.