
The Story Behind the Story Behind the Clay People

Again I need to mention my amazing cousin Alicia. She has this quote on her website that made me laugh out loud when I first read it because I can totally relate.

"Everyone has a story. I happen to have a million and can't shut up about it."

Especially these past few months. Ever since I got that silly idea that prompted the making of all those silly clay people, the creative half of my brain hasn't wound down. So ask me about it at your own risk because I have had several friends who have and not only did I answer their question, but I told them the storyline as far as I had it, where I left off, where I wanted it to go, a little bit of the next book in the series, what I was worried about, why I liked a character that was to come in later, why I liked the character now, and so on.

Somedays I get so excited about it that I can't hold a normal conversation without a "Hey, that reminds me! You know that story I was telling you about the other day? Well there's this one part..."

There was even one embarrassing class period where I was drawing the characters I was so obsessed with. One of my good friends suddenly said, "That story is epic."
"Why thank you!" I smiled, "Now I just have to finish writing it."
She gave me a funny look and I realized she was actually talking about the book she was reading.

That, my friends, is a prideful tendency. Its on my dumb-things-to-get-rid-of list. Anyways, I'm beginning to understand why there's a scripture talking about 'bridling' our 'passions'. I usually hear it in lessons on chastity but I think it can relate to any passion. I'm beginning to see how easy it can be to lose control of it.

I am a firm believer that God grants us gifts and expects us to develop them. To use them and to find satisfaction in them. He himself is the supreme creator. I'm sure he has all kinds of talents and ideas. But I'm seeing how letting our passions bridle us can cut into scripture reading time or family time.

So that's been a goal of mine. Because when you can name everything from the favorite food to the place in choir of nine different characters, its important to not let things get too carried away.

But I don't believe in stifling ourselves either. Actually I think bridling our passions is a great way to improve them. Writing is more fun when you don't get to do it day in and day out. Also if the rest of your life is in order than you're able to enlist the help of our savior. As my grandma put it, "You wanna play good basketball? Read your scriptures."

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