
Shopping Spree!

I love to shop. Though, probably for different reasons than most of my peers. Let's can I put this? I guess I'll just say that, more often than not, my fourteen-year-old brother outshops me by quite a bit. There will be times when we'll drive all the way to Flagstaff, do a couple of rounds in the mall, run through Target, hit Saver's, go to Sam's Club, maybe Micheal's, and even race through Wal-Mart on the way home--and I'll come home empty handed. But boy did I have fun!!

It's not like I'm super thrifty or anything. I find myself staring longingly at things from videogames to boots--both of which cost an entire mowed lawn or three. It's just that, well, I guess you could say I'm easily entertained. Let's start with the mall, shall we? I go into the hurricane-simulator (though it really only feels like I'm standing out in my backyard), jealously watch the little kids in the playground, and try on every single hat in Dillards.

At Saver's I enjoy jumping on the excercise trampolines, laughing at some of the shirts people actually wore at one point, and diving into the toy section. Toy pianos are really fun because I have the beginning of 'The Carol of the Bells', 'Minuet in G', and The Lord of the Rings Theme memorized and just dazzle all passerbys with my skill (or lack thereof). I find creepy dolls, dancing hamsters, and even things I almost wish my mom (and my ego) would let me buy. For example, I once found an accordian...

Target is also one of my favorites. They also have hats. They always seem to have this big, floppy straw one that my mom finally let me get for Easter! (Er--I mean the Easter Bunny let me get for Easter). They also have sunglasses for experimenting with. I go through the fuzzy-sock aisle and from there to the toy aisle (which will secretly always be my favorite). We actually went to Flag yesturday and I caught sight of this toy dinosaur with it's mouth open. It was obvious that you were supposed to push down it's toungue, so I did.
Snap! "YOW!!"

It was then I realized someone was standing behind me. So, between yelps, giggles, and apologies, I stumbled into the Barbie section and began to suck on my finger. Soon the pain was completely forgotten, though, as I caught sight of a display of Disney Princesses. I'm such a sucker for those...
Bop-its are also fun. Though I can never seem to beat the pillar of boredom who got the highscore of 75. I also love how they have those videogames set up to where you can actually play them. I've died so many times in Lego Star Wars that I'm not even sure if it's worth buying anymore.

Those of you who have read previous posts already know what I do in Sam's Club: Agents Sparky and 'Lee' are goin' in. Mission: Locate Female Parental Unit.  I sometimes wonder if they made the place so big just for that reason. Oh, I've also kept watch while my cousin dived onto bed cushions and love how they have 'The Dairy of a Wimpy Kid' books out to skim through. And let's not mention those yummy food samples.

I think you guys get the point. When in Wal-Mart I head for the music cards and when in Micheals, I gawk at the entire aisle of modeling clay--every shade of every color! (Those who know me know that I can create a detailed, 6 inch model of Link from 'The Legend of Zelda' faster than I can do a math problem.) It's a good thing none of those buildlings are large enough to have an escalator or an elevator. Or even banisters for that matter. I might injure myself.

I'm not even sure why I felt to post about this. I guess it's just because yesterday we went to buy my prom dress and doing something that, to little kids, seems so 'grown-up' helped me realized how much I really haven't grown up. But that's alright. I think I intend to keep it that way.

(And for those of you interested, the hot-pink dress was really the only one that we could find to make acceptable modifications too. It's a good thing my awesome date doesn't seem to mind a tie that color! He asked me by filling my entire car with easter eggs. After scrambling around, hitting my horn with my elbow, and opening them all, I found, "It would be Egg-citing to go to prom with you!!" So I gathered all those eggs and, not knowing what else to do with them, refilled them with candy and made a big "YES!" on the baseball field to greet him at practice :)

1 comment:

jody j balda said...

Hey Doll.
I did not know you had a blog I will make sure and fallow it. I enjoyed your post. I remember when Cory and I used to sit in the mall and find humor in peoples idiosyncrasies. Trips to flag were always a good time.