These were my thoughts as I sat in the backseat of a school-sponsored car while my fellow student drove. Yeah, they were that good. I could just sit there and stare out the window and forget they were even driving. It was the same with the other one. I began to wonder why these two were here. This was a class for people like me who scared their parents into paying for it, not these pros!
So you can imagine my nervousness when it was my turn to take the wheel. I even ended up telling my teacher to 'really coach me'--something my mom had told me to tell him and I thought I never would (funny how parents can live up to their titles like that.)
Though I'm quite sure my drive was the most...eventful, we survived and I even happened to notice a thing or two I hadn't seen before.
For example road signs....Haha I just realized how dangerous that sounded. No, I've noticed road signs--even read them on occasion--but this time I noticed something else. Just when the road split into two lanes (I live in a small town so this was something I wasn't used to), I began to panic, perspirate, and glance over at my dozing teacher to see if he'd tell me what to do. Which one did I go in? Was there a fast, slow? Coming, going? Blonde, Brunet?
Luckily, (I love that word) a trusty road sign came to the rescue. Bragging a vibrant white surface, bold black letters, and a few bird droppings, it read "Keep Right." Immediatly my doubts vanished and I headed for the right lane. "Keep right." Just short, sweet, and to the point. I think I'll go add it to my list of quotes
But I also saw a parrell to my own life. No matter the case, whenever I begin to panic, perspirate, and look over at someone else for direction, my choice should be obvious: Keep right. Choose the choice that I know deep down will lead me to my destination; where I eventually want to end up in life. Even when I'm 134.

DOLLY!!! I LOVE this! And I'm so glad you're blogging. You write so well -it's so much fun to read. Love it!!!
Haha thanks! Just been inspired by people like you :)
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